Friday, February 14, 2014

Comps, job-seeking, and Ed.D. weekend

Happy Friday!  Hope everyone enjoyed their snow day yesterday (which was most of the East Coast, it seems).  It was nice to catch up on some reading and apply for jobs.  It's difficult to know exactly when to start applying considering we wouldn't be able to start until the end of May, but there are some positions that are looking for a later start date.  It would be amazing to have a job lined up at graduation, but I don't think that's feasible considering the hiring timeline for most Higher Ed jobs (people who are leaving tend to do so at the end of the school year, so a lot of job openings are posted in the summer).  This year went by SO quickly.  This time last year, I came to visit Penn during my spring break from teaching in Miami, and I remember the current students saying that the Higher Ed program flies by since it's only two semesters.  I believed them, but this takes on a whole new meaning when you experience it for yourself!

Speaking of graduation, next weekend is our comprehensive exam for Higher Ed Master's students.  Eeeekk.  What this means is that at 9AM on Friday, we get an email with two essay questions, and then we have the weekend to write a 2,000-word response.  Even though the actual paper is short, this exam is high-stakes since passing it is required for graduation.  We are also allowed to draw upon materials from our courses, but we have to do some outside research as well.  Needless to say, I'm very much looking forward to this being over!

This weekend is our second doctoral weekend, but this time for Ed.D. applicants.  The events will be the same as those that I blogged about last week.  I'm looking forward to meeting some new people and eating delicious food! =)

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